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Zhenjiang Rongcheng Pipe Industry Co., Ltd

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Installation method of overhead laying of FRPP pipe

Release time:2021-10-09 17:27:16Click:376

FRPP pipes are mainly used for building cold and hot water, drinking water pipeline system, heating system and air conditioning system. When the FRPP pipeline must be arranged above the pedestrian passage, the flange, valve and other connection points shall not be set as far as possible to avoid leakage accidents. When the FRPP pipe needs to be installed in a concealed manner, it is recommended to set a pipe trench to avoid the embedding of FRPP pipe. If the FRPP pipe needs to be buried for special reasons, the form of direct burial of casing shall be adopted to avoid damage to the pipe caused by hard sundries in the backfill. The buried depth shall be determined according to soil properties, groundwater level, soil freezing conditions and external loads.

When FRPP pipe is laid overhead, it shall be supported by pipe rack. The pipe rack can be made of angle steel, split steel pipe and other materials to make the FRPP pipe expand and expand freely on the pipe rack. When the FRPP pipe is laid along the building or structure, the clear distance between the outer wall of the pipe and the building or structure shall not be less than 150mm; When the pipeline is arranged in parallel with other pipelines, the net distance from the outer wall of the pipeline shall not be less than 200mm; When crossing with other pipelines, the clear distance between the outer wall of the pipeline shall not be less than 150mm. When the FRPP pipe passes through the wall or floor, a section of steel pipe shall be embedded in the pipe passing through the wall or floor, and both ends of the steel pipe shall be exposed to the wall or floor for about 100mm.

When the FRPP pipe is connected with the valve, the valve shall be firmly fixed. If possible, install flexible joints at both ends of the valve to avoid damaging the pipeline when opening and closing the valve. When connecting with vibration equipment such as pumps, flexible connecting pipes shall be installed between the equipment and pipelines. When installing FRPP pipe, considering the impact of ambient temperature on equipment quality, it is not suitable to construct when the temperature is higher than 40 ℃ or lower than 0 ℃. The end face of FRPP pipe and fittings or fittings shall be perpendicular to the axial position. When the FRPP pipe is connected by flange, it shall be strictly aligned during installation. The allowable axial deviation shall not exceed 2mm. FRPP pipeline is considered as a new generation of green pipeline because of its good sanitation and comprehensive mechanical and physical properties.

FRPP pipe has excellent physical and chemical properties. When measuring the total water consumption of hot water, the cold water meter can be installed on the cold water supply FRPP pipe of hot water heating equipment, the hot water meter can be installed on the branch pipe of group and personal water points, and the residential building with central heating water shall be equipped with water heater water meter. When the hot water pipeline crosses the outer wall with foundation and basement, flexible waterproof casing shall be added; Rigid waterproof casing shall be added when crossing the floor and roof; Set plastic hot water pipes in the dark; FRPP pipes shall be opened without impact. If unavoidable, protective measures shall be taken outside the pipeline. Plastic hot water pipes shall not be used for pipes between machine room and equipment room.


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